Why Is Brand Storytelling Important For Your Lifestyle Brand

Don't neglect what can set your brand for success. Don't forget, nothing happens in a one day effort.

January 18, 2023
Imed Djabi
brand storytelling blog cover image by imed djabi

If you're reading this article, you probably want to know why brand storytelling is important for your lifestyle brand. So, should I assume you know what a lifestyle brand is? Maybe you have a lifestyle brand, and you don't even know it. Hum, I don't like to assume. So let me give you my explanation as short as possible.

The best way to describe it is that lifestyle brands don't focus on their product attributes and benefits but mostly on how they want their customers to feel when using their products. They care about the transformations of their audience. Just do it! Your brain pictured the Nike swoosh logo right away from the moment you read it. How crazy? Nike is the best example I can give you when defining a lifestyle brand. They have a deep connection with athletes and are known as one of the best lifestyle brands for sports.

How did they do it? That's a damn long story. But hey, we got time for some new crispy knowledge. Nah! I won't give a lecture on Nike's story. But, I give you one of their most effective tools. Maybe you guessed it right because it's storytelling! Do you think my title was clickbait? Maybe, but understand that to become a successful lifestyle brand. You need to master brand storytelling, and it will be one of the reasons you become a lifestyle brand in the first place.

So, in this article. My goal is to help you understand brand storytelling, why, and how to use it for your brand. Do you know what's crazy? I do use storytelling for practically all of my articles. Why? Because humans get bored very quickly, it's an art that needs to be mastered to keep your readers or customers intrigued.

Keep in mind. There are different type of "Storytelling." For now, we're interested in Brand Storytelling. Let's waste no more time, for real this time!

What is brand storytelling?

I'm glad you asked. I went ahead and searched the entire universe to gather THE BEST information and answer this question perfectly from my own perspective. Brand storytelling is a method to tell your future customer: "Hey, I'm not boring, and I do care for you!" Do you really want to be like all the other brands promoting their "products" and how "good" their products are? I don't think so! Because if you do only talk about your product benefits and features. I don't care, nor do 80% of your visitors.

Brand storytelling is the marketing method that will connect your brand to its customers using a creative narrative. How can you tell your customers that you are "THE brand" that can resolve their problems? That's where storytelling techniques come into play. If you master storytelling, you master the art of communicating information and emotion in an "unboring" way.

Customer illustration hesitating between two products

Remind me. You clicked on this article because you want to know why brand storytelling is important for your lifestyle brand, right?

So I'll explain in another article what brand storytelling is and the different types of storytelling you can use for your brand.

But if you don't want to wait, you can learn the 4 Keys to Remarkable Brand Storytelling immediately.

Why is brand storytelling important?

I think that the question you should ask yourself is how brand storytelling can help me? Because if you're not using it while knowing what it is. Let me tell you that you're missing significant opportunities.

Who doesn't want to impact more people or reach a wider audience? Who doesn't want their audience to read every sentence of their content? Who doesn't want their audience to be more engaged? Who doesn't want their audience to share their positive experience with their brand?

Nobody will say no to any of these questions. This is a fraction of what brand storytelling can do for your brand. Don't worry! I will share more benefits with you. You deserve to know, and your brand deserves:

  • To be more memorable
  • To increase its awareness
  • To improve its customer loyalty
  • To become humanized
  • To highlight its values
  • To differentiate from its competitors
  • And to increase its sales

How to use brand storytelling for your business?

Start with the easiest way possible. Build a community! Many persons who share the same problems and experience the same transformations will explode your brand's awareness! Tell your customer's story with your brand. Share their transformation or interview them! They become members of your brand. Therefore, they become part of the story that they can tell and that YOU can tell. This will help your target audience visualize themselves using your products or services. But hey, it doesn't stop here—this is a piece of a puzzle that has many things you can do to build your brand story.

Storytelling is the present and future of marketing. And you need to be part of it. Otherwise, you work against yourself!

Until then, I'll see you in the following knowledge booster!


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